Saturday, December 11, 2010

Justin Bieber SUCKS

Seriously kid? You cant live off of the same album just switched around every couple of months. Grow a pair and actually do something new for a change.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hows that change working for you?

You all voted for Obama now youve seen what hes done. Nice job

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Modern Warfare 2 Tips

Need some tips for all of your Modern Warfare 2 needs? well....................

Put your game back in the case, take it to gamestop or wherever, trade it in for something more fun/less addicting.

Really some people are addicted to this game its sick, I own a copy and it was fun at first, but all of the camping and "noob toobs" made the game a peice of garbage. Pick up a copy of bad company 2 its so much more fun and its impossible to camp at a person's spawn. Plus it kicks modern warfare 2's ass by a longshot!

People who arent addicted to MW2 this post is not for you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pants on the Ground Pants on the Ground Lookin Like a Fool With Your Pants on the Ground

General I salute you! You have taught the whole viewing world how people look like with their pants on the ground.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Farmville, Mobsters ect.

Listen people you are addicted to some of these games as kids are addicted to Halo and Call of Duty. Get a life, get a job, or get some friends! You arent going to go anywhere with these games that are really boring anyway. I dont have control over your life so hate me if you want to, but all I am trying to put out there is that playing these games could ruin your life! Or your eyesight! This doesnt mean that you have to just drop it cold turkey. It just means that some serious cutbacks could be in order. Unless you are the kind of person who has control over your playtime and life then by all means dont read this, but if you are the kind of person who has no control over your playtime, then seriously cut back even just a little.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Stores Start Christmas Too Early

Really its only the start of November! You could atleast wait till the last week of November. There isnt a reason to start your Christmas shopping five to six weeks before. I can understand that some people just want to get it out of the way so they dont have to deal with huge store hassles, but still this is really stupid.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Watch out While Trick Or Treating

Parents watch out for what your son/daughter may pick up during their candy raid. Remember no apples or any fruit. Some idiots stick razorblades and possilbly anything else in them. And watch out for other things. Keep watch of your child!!! A child could get lost or stolen and god forbid you know that you dont want your kid taken. Finally you must be careful on how much candy your kid takes in (eats). He or she could get really sick and I would know Ive had my share of puking because of candy overdose.