Saturday, November 7, 2009

Farmville, Mobsters ect.

Listen people you are addicted to some of these games as kids are addicted to Halo and Call of Duty. Get a life, get a job, or get some friends! You arent going to go anywhere with these games that are really boring anyway. I dont have control over your life so hate me if you want to, but all I am trying to put out there is that playing these games could ruin your life! Or your eyesight! This doesnt mean that you have to just drop it cold turkey. It just means that some serious cutbacks could be in order. Unless you are the kind of person who has control over your playtime and life then by all means dont read this, but if you are the kind of person who has no control over your playtime, then seriously cut back even just a little.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Stores Start Christmas Too Early

Really its only the start of November! You could atleast wait till the last week of November. There isnt a reason to start your Christmas shopping five to six weeks before. I can understand that some people just want to get it out of the way so they dont have to deal with huge store hassles, but still this is really stupid.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Watch out While Trick Or Treating

Parents watch out for what your son/daughter may pick up during their candy raid. Remember no apples or any fruit. Some idiots stick razorblades and possilbly anything else in them. And watch out for other things. Keep watch of your child!!! A child could get lost or stolen and god forbid you know that you dont want your kid taken. Finally you must be careful on how much candy your kid takes in (eats). He or she could get really sick and I would know Ive had my share of puking because of candy overdose.

Paranormal Activity

Its all fake, a whole load of bull crap! The movie is not even that scary. Its only scary if you think about the stuff that went on in the movie. Other than that its all a hoax, case closed.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to get White Teeth!!

So you want to get white teeth? heres how,

1. Brush WITH toothpaste
2. Rinse
3. Three times a day

thats all no more no less. So forget about the mom who found the secret to white teeth, there was never any seceret. Save some money and just brush your teeth.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Obama Rasing School Days/Hours?

This is crap. No one will want to stay in school longer. Seriously? Just because some of us arent as smart as the Japanese does not make us idiots. You need to check in with what people want because if you go through with this, then I know for a fact there will be strikes and lots of them.

Friday, October 23, 2009

How to Lose Weight!!

You want to lose weight huh? Here is some quick and easy steps to lose some easy weight!

1 Stick to a well balanced diet

2 Dont be tempted by any junk food

3 Follow through

4 Work out a little do some pushups and situps

Really people it doesnt cost ten thousand dollars to buy gormet food its still junk and it may work but this way you will save money.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How to make EASY Money!!!

Hey you the viewer! Want to make some easy money? Well its as simple as this,

1. Get a job application form
2. Fill it out
3. Give it to the owner or manager
4. Await a response
5. Get accepted or not
6. If not then apply at other places, but be truthful in the application!

Stop complaining that you dont have a job or you need to feed your family! Get off of your lazy butt and go and apply for a job! You cant rely on the goverment to do everything for you. Sure there may be a few rejections, but life is full of disapointment so get over it you bunch of lazy people!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama Receives Nobel Peace Prize?

In the words of all of the nerdy teenagers, Fail. What has he done to deserve it? Nothing

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jonas Brothers Music Is Terrible

Really now the Jonas Brothers music sucks majorly. I mean come on doesnt anyone remember the good music like Rush, Boston, Queen, Kiss, Thin Lizzy? Yeah they might be old bands, but they mop the floor with crap music like the Jonas Brothers. What is the world coming to people? Im not saying stupid stuff liek OMG leik the jonas brothers need to die!!!!!! I'm expressing my feelings twords there terrible music. I dont care if your daughter or son (holy crap son????) likes their music, but you need to show them the good music. Start off by having them listen to Bohemian Rhapsody By Queen, and if you dont even know what that song is then I also encourage you the reader to listen to it too.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bob Evans Has Poor Service

My family and I went to Bob Evans for a stop while we were on our way to South Carolina Myrtle Beach. I have to say that the service was very poor and sad. As soon as we got our table we had to wait about twenty minutes just to get served. Why we had to wait so long you ask? Well our waitress decided that smoking was more important. On top of all that once we ordered our food we had to wait about forty minutes or longer give or take just to get our food. And to top it all off they over charged us and we left the resturant very angry and displeased. If anyone is reading this please do not go to Bob Evans unless the one you may normally have ok service. Really its never been this bad before..........

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Miley Cyrus is a Bad Infulence on Kids

Miley Cyrus or her alter ego Hannah Montanna is a pop rock star who I believe is a bad infulence on kids. I have a little sister and she loves Miley, books toys accessories you name it she has it. I keep telling her she is just wasting money on someone who I think is going to be the next Britney Spears in a bad way. Miley has already proven that she is going to have a downfall when she allowed someone to take shower pictures of herself and post them on the internet, and on her sixteenth birthday she traded her mom's car that her mom gave her for the one she really wanted. Hows that for a selfish girl eh? Well if you dont believe me then google it because I know it is true. Is this the kind of star you want your kids and siblings to have to deal with? I hope not. Let it be known on this blog the downfall of Miley Cyrus will begin.

Seriously Disney what is your problem? Get rid of her! You still have the Jonas Brothers (for now)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Residue Is Evil Website

As alot of you may have seen a commercial of someone saying residue is evil and what appears to be soap scum spelling it out. It is none other than a promotion for Old Spice Swagger. After the website has loaded you will see an armpit with residue in the hair. If you are to click the residue the Old Spice Swagger deoderant on the bottom right corner will pop up the cap and you will hear someone scream repeadedly. It is fun for people who might wanna scare their friends, but if you hate things that either pop up or scare the crap out of you I recommend that you stay away from the web site.

ICarly Sucks?

As some of you may know there is a show on the hit TV station called Nickelodeon. Some say it is funny but I must say that it sucks bad. In the episode iHate Sam's Boyfriend Sam's boyfriend Jonah tells Sam bad jokes about Carly's Doorman Lewbert and referes to him has "Captain WortBurger" and as you can tell Jennette's laugh acting needs alot of work. She laughs for about 5 seconds and you can easily spot out that she is faking her laughs. Another thing I would like to point out is that the "crowd's" interactions with the ICarly web show laughs and cheers way too much even when things are not funny. For example in one of the ICarly episodes Sam and Carly do a bit that only uses the words "Just give me some soup" and "I aint gonna give you no soup". This goes on for about 10 seconds and then the crowd laughs and cheers for them. If someone could explain to me how this is funny in anyway please do tell.

I have to say that ICarly is one of Nickelodeon's worst ideas and has room for some major improvments.